These before and after photos of Digger demonstrate what a good, edible diet can do for a starving horse! He had his teeth done and then became healthy and robust on a diet of soaked alfalfa cubes, senior horse food, and Platinum Performance (a supplement.)
A neighbor commented on seeing us weigh the hay and measure the senior feed, that doing those things seemed like “overkill” when many people just throw out some hay and the horses seem fine. I’m sure throwing out some hay works for many horses, but at Sky Ranch we believe weight control for our horses is critical to their health and without weighing and measuring it’s impossible to make adjustments to get to a healthier more desirable weight, whether that’s up or down on the scale.
Actually Digger has become a bit too heavy, and we’ve cut back on his alfalfa cubes a bit. He’s still happy and healthy!
I came across a website that has some sensible tips on feeding horses. Check it out of you’re interested and enjoy the summer!