We want to wish all of you the Merriest of Holidays! Whatever you are celebrating, go all out!
Our horses are all doing well, and that’s enough for us to celebrate. Thanks to the rain, there is finally some grass peeking up in the pasture. Those of you who live in more northern regions might wish for a white Christmas, but we on the Central California Coast are very happy to have a green Christmas!
Having older horses is another reminder to try and enjoy each day. It’s all passing way too fast. I think one of the greatest gifts our animal friends give us is calling our attention to the reality that each day is new; that what might look at first glance to be the same scenery you looked at yesterday, is filled with new smells, colors and possibilities. The horses trot out to the pasture each day looking around and checking out what might have changed. Each day, look more closely at your surroundings. You may be surprised!
Have a great, safe holiday, and look forward to the New Year. Might as well. It’s going to be here!